Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Peony Tattoo-Source of Well Being and Safety

peony tattoo images
ashlee simpson peony tattooWhat an exquisite peony tattoo on left arm to represent the wealth, good fortune, and prosperity! It seems the whole garden is present with the peony tattoo. The presence of red in its different shades with green leaves and yellow petals, as a whole, just steals everyone’s gaze all at once.

Different body parts, including arms, legs, shoulders, chest, etc., are used for peony tattoos. Other than that of its medicinal facts, peony tattoos represent true oriental arts.

Actually originated in Japan and China, and now, youths throughout the world, sport with peony tattoos because of the striking colors, shapes, and looks. In Europe, peony tattoos are closely linked with Virgin Mary.

Tag : ashlee simpson peony tattoo,peony tattoo designs,peony tattoo meaning,peony tattoos,peony tattoo flash,peony tattoos lily,traditional japanese peony tattoo

Miley Cyrus new tattoo design-just believe

miley cyrus new tattoo images
miley cyrus tattoo pictures
Tag : tattoos,celebrity tattoo,tattoo designs

Monster Tattoo-Scream & Scary

monster tattoo images
monster tattoo picturesFor ages, monster tattoos have been attracting people’s attentions through their exaggerated and scaring features. Monster tattoos are born out of human’s deep imagination of the darkness and evil presence in our day-to-day lives.

Inked in different striking colors and shapes, monster tattoos are showing human’s negative characteristics, full of toxicity and voracious hunger. Monster tattoos come out of fairy concepts from childhood to adult intelligence.

The present green-faced monster is just superb! Various parts of body, consisting of arms, shoulders, necks, ribs, and legs are mostly used areas to ink monster tattoos. Sometimes, popular filmy monsters do take part in the family of monster tattoos.

Tag : sea monster tattoo,monster tattoos,cookie monster tattoo,monster tattoo flash,monster tattoo designs

Fallen Angel Tattoo – Show Your Rebellious Side

fallen angel tattoo designs
fallen angel tattoo imagesFallen angel tattoo has a mythological importance – it is believed some rebellious angels, after getting punishments from the God, came to earth to mix with the mortal way of life. They roam the earth till the judgment day.

Fallen angel tattoos are generally inked in heavy color, comprising black or green or red. The present fallen angel tattoo is shown in blue-black where the angel has crouched head down to symbolize remorse and sadness.

It is popular with Goths and bikers and those who worship the dark arts. Still, youths carry it in different areas, including arm, legs, shoulder, and thighs, to flaunt a dark side of their characters.

Tag : fallen angel tattoo designs,angel tattoos,angel tattoo parlor,fallen angel tattoo flash,

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wrist Tattoo

How To Find the Perfect Tattoo Design For You

Wrist Tattoo
Wrist Tattoo
Wrist Tattoo
Wrist Tattoo

Temporary Tattoos

Why They Became Popular

Temporary tattoos or fake tattoos are gaining more preference nowadays. Before, making temporary tattoos was unheard of. There was simply no market for it because wearing one would make you a "poser". If you wanted to get "inked", your only option was a permanent tattoo.

But not a lot of us can handle the pain. Tattoos were usually equated to toughness because let's face it. You need to be really tough in order to handle the pain. There's also the question of choosing tattoo designs. Being permanent, you really have to choose the design wisely. A wrong choice can lead to a lifetime of regret or an expensive tattoo cover up.
Temporary Tattoos
It's a different story nowadays. Wearing temporary tattoos is becoming an option for everyone. It's a good way to express yourself, minus the pain and the hassle of getting a permanent one. You don't need to be tough in order to get one. Even kids can have them. Not to mention the fact that it's way cheaper than permanent ones.

Besides, kids were the first market for it. There's nothing like colorful temporary tattoos to liven up the kids and the party. It's a great source of entertainment. You just need to give them away during a party and the kids will surely have a blast. It's also a great gift for kids.

Adults then joined the fun. Adults realized that it's a good alternative to permanent tattoos. But before, you had to be content with the available designs. Yes, you can easily get them from tattoo parlors but the tattoo designs back then were limited. If you wanted one, your choice would be among roses, butterflies or angels.
Temporary TattoosThankfully, a lot of people recognized the potential of making temporary tattoos. It opened a gateway for more custom temporary tattoo designs. If you have a custom design in mind that you want to wear on your body, you don't have to go to a tattoo artist and get a permanent tattoo. You can easily have your design made into a temporary tattoo. You don't even have to go out of your house, you can easily order it online.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Panther Tattoo-Impeccable Strength, Style, and Beauty

panther tattoo designs
panther tattoo imagesIt is a wonderful crawling panther tattoo, in black, on the left shoulder. It is really impressive, and this shows the wild side of human nature to free from all oppressions and rules. Panther tattoo shows valor and strength.

Those sporting with the panther tattoo want to know a kind of speed in whatever they are doing. People ink panther tattoos on their arms, shoulders, legs, backs, and torsos. A crawling panther tattoo in the beautiful curves of muscular bodies really work well.

Men, in general, seek to have the panther tattoos in their body; though women, for symbolizing the confidence and beauty symbols, exhibit panther tattoos on their visible body parts.

Tag : panther tattoos,panther tattoo designs,pink panther tattoo,panther tattoo flash

Gangsta Tattoo-In Search of Nihilistic Charm

gangsta tattoo designs
prison tattoo designsAs is clear with the name, Gangsta tattoo is related with marks to show off specific gangs. Gangsta tattoos are associated to persons staying in prisons or to persons who, just for the sake of fun to outnumber themselves of the common societal norms, wear these tattoos on their bodies in dark colors – in chest, belly, neck, face, arms, wrists, shoulders, and even on shaved heads.

Firearms, Gothic scripts, bullets, numbers, secret letters, dots, tear drops, and skulls are some of the popular Gangsta motifs. The present Gangsta tattoo, on arm, is a colorful manifestation of a gang leader in a cartoonish manner. It is attractive and looks great.

Tag : gangsta tattoo designs,cool gangsta tattoos,gangsta tattoo drawings

Foot Tattoo-Touch of Delicacy

foot tattoo designs
foot tattoo imagesWhat a nice presentation of exotic foot tattoo! It looks simply awesome and sexy. The person must have taken good care of her feet that go covered quite often, and when it is out in public, it steals thousands of eyes at once.

Foot tattoo has become very popular among the girls for two reasons – it is simple to hide, and it looks very attractive. Post maintenance does matter a lot in case of foot tattoo.

However, if one is careful not to swim once the tattoo is permanent, keep it out of the sun, do not rub, find a good tattoo artist, and wear flip flops till it is healed properly, it is always advisable to have it anytime.

Tag : foot tattoo designs, foot tattoos, foot tattoo ideas, star foot tattoos, unique foot tattoos

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Learn Music Tattoo Designs

Music Tattoo
A lot of people wish that they can have a tattoo to match their lifestyle but a lot of people are left with no clue when they are looking for what they want. However, going to the tattoo parlor and telling the person there that you want to get your body printed with something that can boost your look is not the right thing to do since you will end up having something that you will just regret in the end. As a rule, tattoo should always be personal since this is going to be imprinted on your body for the rest of your life. With this, your choice of tattoo should be something that you really like and will not grew tired from having it around. It is only sensible to really think about something that you like.

If you are into the music world, it would best to opt for a music tattoo design that will give you the sense of creativity and uniqueness while you are up on the stage performing. Most artists would like something that provides a very deep meaning; as much as possible they try to shun away from ordinary designs such a rose or a guitar for example, they will rather opt for something that will give hundreds or thousands of meanings like a rose being encircled by a patterns of letters.

Because people in the music scene are famous for their artistry, some of their works are originally created by their own. If not, they asked the tattoo artists to design something that will personally be their property.

In general, personality together with lifestyle is the factors that dictate the kind of music tattoo designs that a person wishes to get. Depending upon one's personality, one would like to opt for images of rough men, booze, loose women, and smoky bars to heart, a mother, a rose encircled by thorns, etc. Those people in the heavy-metal crowd tend to choose their design with a little roughness on it while people who are more into sentimental music would normally like to have love as the subject.

The present trend in the music tattoo designs is people opting for tribal designs that had managed to stir the emotions of people coming from all segments of the population. Tribal designs would normally comprise of curved lines, dots, points, and different kinds of geometrically aligned elements. In general, tribal design would normally hold an important meaning for an individual irregardless if it falls under religious or social context. Most of the time, people like it to do their tribal tattoos in all black tint although this is not always the case. However, even though colors are incorporated, black would normally dominate.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Body Art Tattoo

Body Art Tattoo - The Good and the Bad

Body Art Tattoo

Having a body art tattoo is pleasing to look at and can be a source of attention for the one who is sporting it. This is especially true that's why it is often availed to by people who want to gain attention like thespians, athletes and musicians. However, attention can be either positive or negative and in the case of tattoos, mostly negative. This is why having tattoos are discouraged by many people even though the idea of it is fast becoming more and more popular.
Body Art Tattoo
The negative attention behind having tattoos was greatly influenced by the fact that it mostly associated with criminality and bad behavior. It is a common practice for gangs to sport a specific type of body art tattoo as a symbol of membership and identification. It is a common sight in prisons where jailed criminals get tattoos to signify the criminal acts that they have done. This is why persons with many tattoos are easily associated with serious criminals who have lived a life that is full of crime and misdeeds.
Body Art Tattoo
Aside from these, tattoos are also link with people who spends most of their lives at sea. Remember "Popeye the sailor man" with his famous anchor tattoo? Being a sailor is just one of the many professions that regard tattoo as a common practice and tradition. Others include soldiers and circus workers. This is why parents who don't want their children to be associated with these professions often smirk at the sight of even the simplest and most innocent - looking tattoo.

No matter what the reasons behind having a body art tattoo are, the important thing is that it is used as a medium of self - expression. Hopefully, as time goes by it will be accepted ultimately by everyone in the world.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Koi Tattoo

Koi Tattoo
Koi Tattoo

The word "koi" comes from Japanese. Koi fish are specially bred in Japan for their color. A prize example can be valued in the $100,000 range. Koi are a type of carp and have been cultivated and bred in Japan for possibly thousands of years.

If you have been to Japan you will notice they are a common feature in most traditional Japanese gardens. They most likely originated from Eastern Asia, Aral, Black and Caspian Seas. Earliest records of Koi have been found in China and have been widely spread in Japan.
Koi Tattoo
For the Japanese koi fish represent strength and power because they are often able to lift their entire body up and jump out of the water. Koi fish tattoos are beautiful and wildly popular right now. Koi fish tattoos of course have a long history and go all the way back to ancient Japanese times and it is a definite Japanese or Asian tattoo theme. Therefore the tattoos that represent koi fish often show them splashing in the water and water flying everywhere which shows of their strength. Plus as an added bonus they are an absolute beautiful fish and the colors of them lend themselves to a tattoos.

The beautiful bright oranges mixed witht he blues of water make for an ideal tattoo plus since they are traditionally a Japanese tattoo they lend a sort of forgien mystery to their air.

Koi Fish tattoos are now very popular among men and women. Typically men get them on their shoulders or calf and women like to get them as a lower back tattoo.There are a few out there that also get them as full back tattoos with more of a tradition Asian design.
Koi Tattoo
The color scheme of the Koi fish tattoo is very important element. A common color scheme would be the Yen Yang design of black and white. Most of the cases, the color scheme work the best if integrate with your shin color. For instant, if you have a dark or olive skin color it may be more suitable to choose a bright hue so the Koi fish tattoo to make it more visible.

The natural colors of white, red, black, yellow or gold or perhaps a mixture of those colors would be applicable if you really want the test of more traditional style.Always remember that Koi Fish tattoo needs a place of honor on your body. Men generally get them on their shoulders or calf and women like to get them as a lower back tattoo. Additions- Along with the koi fish tattoo you can always put some water in the background that splashes around the fish. Also Cherry blossom flower are very traditional and go well with a Japanese themed tattoo. Cost-It all depends on what size, how many colors, and type you want.Additions and if you want the work custom designed or you are going to use flash. They typically run between $50 to $250 dollars.

More Koi fish Facts:

The Koi is associated with the family. On Children's Day Koi flags are raised, Black Koi the father, Orange/Red mother, Blue/White for a boy, red/pink for a girl.
The Koi Fish symbolizes courage in the Buddhist Religion. According to Buddhists, humans 'swim' through the 'ocean of suffering' without fear, just like a fish swims through water.
Another word to describe "love" is "koi". The kanji character for "kokoro (heart)" is included as part of both kanji characters. Both "ai" and "koi" can be translated as "love" in English.

How to Tattoo

How Tattoos Change Over Time
How to Tattoo
In fact, nearly 10% of the US people have a minimum of one tattoo on some desired body part. By definition, a tattoo is a permanent mark on the body. The pigments of the tattoo are inserted below our epidermis through a needle into the dermis part so that the body retains that color always.

The tattoos change as time passes since our skin sheds off its dead cells and regenerates new cells. Besides, our skin changes owing to the climatic conditions and other assaults. Hence the tattoo's appearance changes along with the skin which shrinks and ages. The pigment turns light over time. We are prone to get age spots, wrinkles and tanned skin as we age. This can have a great effect on the color and the clarity of the tattoo.
How to Tattoo
So the vibrant color and the tattoo remaining intact depends upon the way how we maintain and care for it. There are some aftercare guidelines to be followed but the thumb rule is to prevent the tattoo area from any infection and assist the healing process so as to retain as much vibrant color as possible. Usually the time needed for a tattoo to heal is two-three weeks, provided that the area should be kept moistened always to prevent scabbing, a process that removes off color.
How to Tattoo
The chief enemy of a tattoo is the sun. The pigments tend to fade similar to all other colors when exposed to direct sunlight continually. Among the colors, red and yellow colors are the most complex and black and blue are the most stable and easier ones to maintain. The best preventive method is to stay away from sun and cover the area with clothing. If this is not possible, apply a good sunscreen.

Tattoos tend to remain in the dermis part but visible through epidermis. Some simple common sense preventive measure is to keep our epidermis layers clean, smooth and healthy by hydrating the area to enhance optimal clarity of the tattoo. Employ a gentle cleanser every week to eliminate the accumulation of dirt, body-oils and grime. A moisturizer, when applied daily, will still enhance the clarity of the color.

An expertly obtained, properly healed and protected tattoo will stay vibrant for many decades, though there is no escapade from the fade in color due to time.