Sunday, February 28, 2010

Angel Tattoos

Why Angel Tattoos are so Popular

Angel tattoos are popular tattoos for females and usually take on the appearance of the stereotypical CHERUBS sitting on a cloud or as an avenging angel.

Angels are spiritual beings that are believed to be much more powerful than humans. They have been thought of as creations of a separate order from human beings and sometimes as the spirits of highly evolved humans.

The actual word angel is possibly derived from a Greek word 'angeloi' or 'messenger'. Throughout biblical times it was generally believed that the will of God or 'God's Work' was carried out by angels.

Angel wings tattoos on chicks back.
Angel Tattoos

Angels are the guardians of souls and are divine beings but have been shown to be fallible and prone to sin, particularly pride. One of the best known examples of a 'fallen angel' is Satan.

The meaning of angels and their appearance have varied throughout history. Artists have depicted angels as winged creatures, usually beautiful figures suffused in light, wearing white robes, floating on a cloud, sometimes in human form or as an angelic 'symphony from the heavens'.

Beautiful angel wings tattoo on girls back.
Angel Tattoos

In Catholicism guardian angels are believed to be intelligent spiritual creatures assigned to care for and protect every person on earth. Each person has a guardian angel assigned to them. These angels are to assist the person in attaining his eternal salvation.

Also, these angels protect groups of persons and nations. Others refer to these guardian angels as guiding spirits who control or guide and particularly help in personal safety.

Angel tattoos can look very sexy on females. Here is Amy Grenade with angel tattoo wings on her back and tattoos that depict heaven and hell...

Placement of Angel Tattoos

The most common place to get angel tattoos is on the upper arm or chest for guys and on the shoulder or abdomen for females. Although it is not uncommon to see angel tattoos on the inner wrist or even on the foot!

Angel tattoo wings are another common form of tattoo. They can be tattooed full size on the back in black ink and can look very impressive.

Overall angels symbolize protection and as such are a common reason a lot of people get angel tattoos. Some people depict deceased family or friends as guardian angels in their tattoos as a way to immortalize them or keep the close to their heart.

Temporary Tattoo Ink

Temporary Tattoo Ink

As the popularity of airbrush tattoos and body art increases around the world, more and more companies are developing their own airbrush tattoo ink. Being an airbrush tattoo artist for over 6 years now, I have had the opportunity to try out many different brands of temporary tattoo ink. Outlined here are my findings from my own independent experiments.

When shopping for temporary tattoo ink, the first thing you should look for are companies that use only FDA approved ingredients. As of this writing, the FDA does not regulate temporary tattoo inks, so be wary of any company that says their inks are actually FDA approved.
The next point to watch out for is companies advertising concentrated ink. You do not want to change the chemistry of the inks you are spraying by reducing them yourself. Buy inks that are ready to spray. Sometimes you will still have to slightly reduce these airbrush ready inks in order to spray properly, but these minor adjustments will be far more consistent than having to reduce the inks from a concentrated form.
Temporary Tattoo InkTemporary Tattoo Ink
Okay, now let's get into looking at some actual inks. The first brand of ink I tried was Nazille sold by TATstore. Nazille is a very thick alcohol based ink. The ink requires 25-30 PSI to spray well. It stays in solution well, but still needs to be shaken occasionally. The durability of the airbrush tattoos sprayed with Nazille is very good. I used this ink at a resort pool where I set up frequently, and it was not uncommon for tattoos to last a week or more even with the kids swimming extensively in chlorinated pools.

The next ink I tried out was OCC temporary tattoo ink. This ink is very thin, and settles quickly. There is a good variety of colors. The ink sprays very easily, but tended to clog the airbrush up a bit when I did not shake it enough. The colors were vibrant. However I found this ink to not be very durable for airbrush tattoos on the general public. I think it is much better suited for professional applications such as photo shoots where the longevity of the artwork is of little concern. But tattoos did last an average of 3-5 days.

Another ink trial was done using ABA temporary tattoo ink. This ink is the cheapest name brand airbrush tattoo ink on the market that I know of. While not as thick as the Nazille ink, it is thicker than the OCC, and sprays very well at 25 PSI. There are almost too many different colors to choose from. This ink proved to be very durable for public tattoo use, with longevity ranging from 6-10 days for tattoos.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tattoo Suppliers

Getting started in tattooing is not like getting started in any other industry. It is more on par with old fashioned times, wherein which a person who wanted to learn a skill or a craft would have to find a mentor and apprentice underneath them, picking up the skill the old fashioned way: by doing it!

This is mostly still the case for the tattoo industry. One side effect of this is that it is a bit harder to come upon information on all the "tools of the trade" so to speak. There are no textbooks out there called Tattoo Supplies 101! With this in mind, this article will look at the basics involves for tattooing supplies, with the beginner in mind as the reader.

When discussing the basic tattoo supplies involved in this line of work, there are a handful of key pieces. Let us look at them one by one.

1. The Tattoo Machine. Also sometimes called a tattoo gun, a term usually shunned by profession artists, the tattoo machine is the central tool used to give tattoos. They are a ton of different tattoo machines of not just different quality, but of different purposes and even size and shape. On this note, it is very important to have a tattoo machine that fits correctly into the hands of the artist!

2. The Power Supply. Tattoo machines are not battery powered. This means they require an external source of power. Many prefer the power supplies that affix via a cable to the machine and then are turned on and off from an attached foot pedal. This is similar in technique to a sewing machines set up with a foot pedal.

3. The Needles. Needles are what pierce the skin and deposit the ink into the skin itself, creating the tattoo. Artists use shader and liner needles to create different effects of various depths to create the tattoo. Needles are to be used once and then thrown away.

4. The Different Types of Ink. Of course ink is also needed to make a tattoo. Tattooing ink is available in all colors, although black is the most readily available and readily used color out there.

These 4 above tattoo supplies are the main equipment pieces used to make tattoos, but there are actually dozens of other supplies that assist. This goes all the way from gloves to grips to rubber bands to cleaning equipment to ink caps and more. As evident by the contents of many tattoo kits available, when starting with the basics - it is the tattoo gun, needle, ink, and a power supply that allow for the bulk of work to be done by any tattoo artist out there.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tattoo Lettering Designs

A tattoo writing design, conscionable equivalent with any fad that has skyrocketed to worldwide frenzy, can favor into a tattoo hardship when finished with motion and without any muse. Few grouping who are uneasy to go with the movement of a touristy direction power conscionable vary the gun and get one finished. Ofttimes nowadays these tattoo rushers end up detonating with sadness because the ornament is poorly researched, misspelled, embezzled out of environment, or inked wrong.
Tattoo Lettering Designs
Tattoo Lettering Designs
To abstain beingness stuck with a tattoo writing figure that makes you cringe whenever you see it, create in handle the succeeding deciding elements of a eligible tattoo writing ornamentation. It wouldn't arouse to see and copy the criteria if the try is happening up as the thing of a tattoo horror lie.

The schoolbook of tattoo writing moldiness tight something to you

Tattoo lettering is all roughly operator symbolisation and aspect. As specified, the decoration must operate as a protest of how you reach yourself and what you value most in your animation. Because of their rattling individual nature, tattoo writing designs commonly spell out a lingo, an great day, a belief, a effort, or both remaining important passage.

The module of selection should be competent to ingeminate your knowing signification
Tattoo Lettering Designs
Tattoo Lettering Designs
Communication barriers within the tattooing mankind hit bimestrial since evaporated due to orbicular pleasing blessing of the tattoo art in incompatible cultures. One of the results is the worldwide implementation of using international languages instead of your endemic ness in a tattoo writing arrangement. It power be because you appreciate the visual temptingness of a naturalized hand, or because the mythology and mysticism of a curious civilisation that is lacking in your own appeals to you. It power also be a compounding of both. Irrespective of the reasons behindhand your select of module, one aim is quibbling can be worded the unvaried way. There are flatbottomed languages that are so clashing that one phrase may not flatbottom know a remotely affiliated equivalent move into the new. For instance, a tattoo lettering designing that should feature "Big Daddy" is inked in Altaic characters, and ends up as "Outsized Ascendent."

The filler and positioning of the tattoo should be fit to the programme
This applies to every tattoo pattern, but it is specially consequential with tattoo lettering because the situation and activity of the tattoo alter the readability of the evince / catchword. This is prefab author complicated by the fatal bleeding of the tattoo ink over experience. So when choosing a tattoo lettering designing, change careful that it is of readable size, the lines are somewhat thickly inked and well-spaced. This would pee your tattoo lettering program understandable justified after ten geezerhood when the peel unavoidably loosens and sags. You should get any grownup advice from your creator on the situation and location that superfine cause your tattoo writing system.

How to Get Tattoo Artwork Online for The Best Quality Tattoo Design

Get Tattoo Artwork

Many people wonder how to get tattoo artwork online. Actually, it's not that most guys and girls can't find a lot of designs. It's just that most of them can't locate the "quality" designs out there. It seems like a never end tunnel of generic, low end art, doesn't it? Well, here are simple tips to help you figure out how to get tattoo artwork online and pin point the truly superb stuff.

We are in a day and age where everybody wants things instantly. We do not want to wait for anything. This is a bad trait to have when looking for tattoos on the web, though. This is one of the things that should not be rushed. When you rush into a decision to get tattooed, it sometimes leads to regret and tattoos are pretty permanent. Many folks know how to get tattoo artwork online, but most will stay far away from most of the truly great designs.
Get Tattoo Artwork
Why will they not be able to find the great tattoos?

Because most people (95%) use search engines when looking for their tattoos. Its not that they don't know how to get tattoo artwork. They are just using the one tool that everybody else uses to find their tattoos. You see, search engines usually only pull up all of the low wend galleries through out the web. Each one of them is packed with nothing but generic, cookie cutter tattoos that are somewhere close to nine years old. On top of that, half f the images are not even meant to be used as real tattoo!
Get Tattoo Artwork
So, when you are wondering how to get tattoo artwork online, what is a better way to accomplish it?

If you take a little bit of time and use internet forums, you will be pleasantly surprised with the amount of quality designs you will be able to find. It's not that you are going to be able to click your mouse and you will be able to find all of the tattoos inside of the forum. You are just going to use the tons of topics they have on tattoos to gather the links that people post to the great galleries out there.

Forums are always loaded with topics revolving around tattoos. These are the topics where people are talking about where they found quality designs for their tattoos. They provide all sorts of links and you would have never found most of them if you just continued to use search engines.

It's a simple way to answer the question about how to get tattoo artwork online without settling for the generic tattoos that have clogged the web.

Tiger Lily tattoos-Beauty of Pride of Prosperity

tiger lily tattoo designsside lower tiger lily tattoo Tiger Lily tattoo is generally denoting the serene beauty. It says a lot about your culture – it denotes different meanings in different cultures. It was a symbol of fertility in ancient Egypt and innocence in medieval times, while sometimes it relates to a kind of hatred and pride.

Some, still, connect this to the erotic love and reproduction. Tiger Lily tattoo, in the present image, is an orange flower with several circular petals; it is awesome. It gives a kind of refreshing look.

Tiger Lily tattoo is worn by women on different body parts, including arm, chest, belly, thighs, and shoulder.

Tag : Tiger lily tattoo, lily tattoo, tiger tattoo

Shenae grimes side back tattoo

shenae grimes tattoo images
shenae grimes celebrity tattooTag : shenae grimes tattoos, celebrity tattoo

Koi Carp Tattoos-Love for Being the Strongest

koi carp tattoo designskoi carp tattoo imagesSwimming upstream despite adversity, the Koi Carp Tattoos show a kind of courageous triumph over a struggle. Koi carp tattoos represent the masculinity and extremely energetic speed to succeed.

It even shows ever-increasing love for your lover in every phase of your life. Sometimes, Koi Carp tattoos symbolize a kind of independence amidst several difficult conditions.

Koi carp tattoos are inked very colorful in general to flaunt the public; it earns thousands of nods through its colorful presentation and realistic shape. Men and women, both, love to wear Koi carp tattoos on their bodies to realize the lofty goals or dreams in their lives.

Tag : koi carp tattoo, koi tattoo

Cheryl cole back tattoo designs

cheryl cole back tattoo designs
cheryl cole tattoo Tag : cheryl cole back tattoo, back tattoo designs, celebrity tattoo

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tribal Sleeve Tattoos-Symbol of Mature Tribal Art

tribal sleeve tattoosleeve tribal tattoo designsTribal sleeve tattoo in the present image is raw, clear, matured, bold, visible, and stunning in look. The black spiraling tribal lines surround the whole right arm with its long and unending protrusions.

It is great to look at the tribal sleeve tattoos that are terrific on arms, which have superb muscles. It, in fact, adds value of seeing. Men, at large, and women prefer to have tribal sleeve tattoos in different shapes and styles.

They simply want to exhibit something that is rocking and as per the new style statement. Black is preferable color to sooth the eyes. Tribal sleeve tattoos in black is looking bold and sexy.

Tag : tribal sleeve tattoo, sleeve tattoo, tribal tattoo

Leona lewis got new back tattoo

Tag : leona lewis back tattoo, celebrity tattoo, leona lewis wrist tattoo

Cat Tattoo-Reminisce Special One

animal ankle tattoocat ankle tattooCat tattoo, an emblem of Motherhood and fertility in the ancient Egypt, is loved by people, irrespective of men and women throughout the world. Cat tattoo is a great way to celebrate the love in sweet and sexy manner.

The cat tattoo in image is an action cat that slowly comes to its target – maybe a rat or something. A dangerously aesthetic pleasure is imbibed in its posture. There is a fine rhythm and a sarcastic gesture.

It is a nice representation of someone’s desire to show love for this cute animal. Men and women, at large, sport with cat tattoo on the different body parts – arm, shoulder, belly, chest, upper buttock, and leg.

Tag : cat tattoo, animal tattoo, back tattoo

Kelly ripa new wrist tattoo design

kelly ripa wrist tattoo
kellly ripa ankle tattooTag : kelly ripa tattoo, kelly ripa wrist tattoo, celebrity tattoo, kelly ripa wrist tattoo

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Best Quality Tribal Flower Tattoo

Tribal Flower TattooTribal Flower Tattoo

Today Tribal Flower Tattoo is not the monopoly of nice-looking girls. Many boys and older people are also selecting this type of design. It is also observed that many peoples includes flower in their main tribal sketch, for example including a Lilly in the background of skull or dragon design. This will enhance the overall effect and meaning of final design. Different flowers have different meanings. Rose is symbolizing love and passion but red rose has different meaning than the white rose. Similarly, lotus flower symbolizes peace. So, whenever you select the design be sure that you know the meaning of it.
Tribal Flower Tattoo

Tribal Flower Tattoo
Finding the best design of Tribal Flower Tattoo is not easy. First you have to be clear in your mind about what flower you want to be tattooed. For this study the different meanings of various flowers and then select the one that appeals you most, next depending upon your preferences and passions select the basic color. It is possible to select either single color or multicolor sketch of tribal flower tattoo.

Now look for different variations and different shapes of the flower you have selected. Best source of tribal flower tattoo designs are internet. You can browse the net for many free sketches. But if you want to select from some cool unique drawings of tribal flower then spend some money and become the member of a good website that offers unique sketches exclusively to their members. The other advantage to become a member of such a member based website is you can take days or months for deciding which flower tattoo design you like to pierce in to your body. Good membership sites constantly add some fresh designs daily in to their gallery.

Tribal Flower Tattoo

Tribal Flower Tattoo
Tribal Flower Tattoo
Today tribal flower tattoo is not the monopoly of nice-looking girls. Many boys and older people are also selecting this type of design. It is also observed that many peoples includes flower in their main tribal sketch, for example including a Lilly in the background of skull or dragon design. This will enhance the overall effect and meaning of final design. Different flowers have different meanings. Rose is symbolizing love and passion but red rose has different meaning than the white rose. Similarly, lotus flower symbolizes peace. So, whenever you select the design be sure that you know the meaning of it.
Tribal Flower Tattoo
Tribal Flower Tattoo
Finding the best design of tribal flower tattoo is not easy. First you have to be clear in your mind about what flower you want to be tattooed. For this study the different meanings of various flowers and then select the one that appeals you most, next depending upon your preferences and passions select the basic color. It is possible to select either single color or multicolor sketch of tribal flower tattoo.

Now look for different variations and different shapes of the flower you have selected. Best source of tribal flower tattoo designs are internet. You can browse the net for many free sketches. But if you want to select from some cool unique drawings of tribal flower then spend some money and become the member of a good website that offers unique sketches exclusively to their members. The other advantage to become a member of such a member based website is you can take days or months for deciding which flower tattoo design you like to pierce in to your body. Good membership sites constantly add some fresh designs daily in to their gallery.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tattoo Schools

Tattoo Schools
Tattoo Schools
Tattoo Schools
Tattoo Schools
There are two schools of thought (excuse the pun), on this subject.

The first - tattooing should only be taught the old fashioned way of doing a long term apprenticeship, with no pay and filled with months of cleaning the shop, being somewhat of a slave to the working artists, and sometimes being treated in a worthless manner. You can get an idea of the process from Miami Ink. I have talked to a couple of local shop owners and not only is this their method of teaching but it usually requires a substantial fee from the apprentice. Eventually, the future artist is allowed to practice the art and progress from there....

The second - and more current approach is to actually attend a school or take a course in this popular art. These range from a quick 2 week course to months in duration. And yes, they are costly also, but the focus is on teaching the art of tattooing and using a hands-on approach. I am more familiar with this method and think it is a straight forward and valuable option to people searching a way to break in to this popular vocation. Unfortunately, some people are of the opinion this way is lame and not a reputable approach.
Tattoo Schools
Tattoo Schools
I believe both approaches are valid and the idea of "tattoo schools" does not deserve the criticism it currently gets. There are a lot of people that have to work for a living and taking a course packed with instruction is their only option

Tattoo Picture Gallery

Tattoo Picture Gallery
Tattoo Picture Gallery
Tattoo Picture Gallery
Tattoo Picture Gallery
Tattoo Picture Gallery

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tribal Heart Tattoos-A Pure and Sincere Touch of Love

tribal heart tattoo imagetribal heart tattoo pictureTribal Heart tattoos are simply new kind of heart tattoos, in red, that are spiked with the different kinds of black lines. Tribal heart tattoos are unique and attractive. It is attractive because it is positioned within abstract tribal black lines that spiral around the red heart to make it visible.

Heart, as the form of love and life for ages, is tested with various tribal motifs to create eye-catchy tribal heart tattoos. Tribal heart also stands for spirituality, purity, and religion. Men and women, from different walks of life, wear tribal heart tattoos in the name of lasting love and steaming emotions.

Tag : tribal heart tattoo, heart tattoo, tribal tattoo

Megan fox arm tattoo designs

megan fox arm tattoo image
megan fox arm tattoo pictureTag : Megan fox arm tattoo, megan fox tattoo, celebrity tattoo

Polish Eagle Tattoos-Emblem of Absolute Power

eagle tattoo imagespolish eagle tattoo picturesKnown for its sovereign presence of absolute power, freedom, purity, endurance, victory, ascension, and intelligence, the Polish eagle tattoo is very popular among the tattoo enthusiasts in the world.

Polish eagle tattoo with it decorated golden crown, beak, and claws states a kind of super-power image. Men, in general, sport with this kind of tattoos; though, females, nowadays, have this tattoo on their body parts, including back, shoulder, arm, upper buttock, and neck.

The Polish eagle tattoo, a sign of an action that annoyed the Polish country and underscored the country's loss of true sovereignty, is famous among those who not even Polish just because of its royal look like the present one on the middle-neck portion of the lady.

Tag : polish eagle tattoo, eagle tattoo

Kelly Osbourne arm tattoo designs

kelly osbourne tattoo images
kelly osbourne tattoo picturesTag : kelly osbourne tattoo, celebrity tattoo, arm tattoo

Tattoo Flashes

Tattoo Flashes
Tattoo Flashes
Before getting an actual tattoo, it would be advisable if you would first look for the design that you would like and that would suit your overall personality. It would help if you would check out the different tattoo flash designs that are posted for sure on the shop of the tattoo artist.

Tattoo flash should be carefully looked at and deliberated before being picked for execution. Tattoo flash demonstrates and bears designs for tattoo that are drawn or printed on a cardboard or paper. Some people actually regard the material as a form of industrial design because the design could be used in some other purposes.

To find tattoo flashes, you should look at the walls of the tattoo shops. Typically, such establishments display the designs so that would-be customers could easily spot them and choose from them the design that they want to be printed to their skin.
Tattoo Flashes
Tattoo Flashes
Some tattoo flashes are complied in book compilations or albums so that you could easily look and access them upon request to the shop's personnel. Tattoo flashes make walk-in clients immediately gather and take ideas over which tattoo designs to take. The best tattoo designs are mostly presented and demonstrated initially in tattoo flashes.

Almost all tattoo flashes are designed to be used for rapid tattooing. Such designs are either designed by traditional tattoo artists or by the in-house artist of the tattoo shops. Tattoo flash for that matter can be strictly applied and used in one shop only as some of them are copyrighted, especially the special and uncommon designs.

There are popular and widely distributed tattoo flashes that are offered in several tattoo shops. These designs are copyrighted and should be purchased from the copyright owner so that their use as tattoos would be allowed legally. Thus, such tattoo arts make the overall fees higher.

There is a right and suitable tattoo flash for you and you can easily find it and pick it up from the online media. You would be surprised at how beautiful and artful tattoo designs could be. However, as a world of advise, before taking a tattoo, make sure to check the expertise and background of the artist so you can get sure the design would be beautifully and artfully executed in your skin. Choose from the wide selection of displayed tattoo flashes now and find the design that would surely create a lasting impression.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cool Tattoo Ideas

It doesn't matter whether you're getting your first Tattoo or you have done it all before, but the biggest challenge is to come up with inspiration for cool tattoo ideas. The permanency of tattoos means you have to get it right first time to avoid mistakes - it's not like you can get an eraser and start again. Tattoos are for life unless you are prepared to go through, sometimes uncomfortable and very often costly, procedures to have them removed.
Cool Tattoo Ideas
If you're lucky you'll have Cool Tattoo ideas that are personal to you and your life experience, which make a statement about who you are. Very often though this is not the case and people are forced to look elsewhere for ideas. Also, if you're lucky you may have a tattoo parlor on your doorstep where you can visit locally and sift through tattoo designs and discuss with the artist.

Visiting a tattoo parlor is not always possible though so most people are left with sourcing cool tattoo ideas from the Internet. The word 'tattoo' and tattoo related phrases are heavily searched via the search engines so many poor quality sites have been set up to take advantage of this. These sites usually offer poor quality tattoo designs and galleries, with unwanted advertising, which is where they generate their revenue.

There are also better quality sites offering cool tattoo ideas together with other resources and sometimes communities of like-minded individuals to exchange ideas and experiences. The better quality tattoo sites usually charge a nominal fee for access but this should be a small price to pay for a design that you can be proud of and one will stay with you for the rest of your life. Once you've had the ink done you can usually upload a photo to display your work of art and provide inspiration to others, or just to show off!

If you have an idea for a tattoo design, the better quality sites usually provide neat search features so that you can narrow down the choice depending on your initial ideas e.g. Tribal Tattoo, Back Tattoo etc. Paying a small fee for a cool tattoo idea is also a good way of increasing the chances of the design being unique, as many people will often take the easier (cheaper) option of free tattoo designs.

Despite all the quality sites available for cool tattoo ideas, if you're having any doubts or second thoughts then the chances you should not be getting a tattoo. If however you're dead set on the idea, and want to join the increasing number of people, from all walks of life, with tattoos, consider paying a little up front for quality and peace of mind.