Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Biomechanical Tattoo Ideas And Meaning

Biomechanical tattoos are realistic, three-dimensional tattoos depicting human robotics. It’s a ‘trick of the eye’, since the skin usually looks like it was peeled back to reveal what you’re truly made of – an impossible combination of mechanics and flesh. We see the human body intertwined with robotic parts. Living tissue meshed with machinery, wires and gears. Some say these titanium parts represent our hidden potential.

biomechanical tattoo ideas blue vertebrae

biomechanical tattoo ideas bones and tendons

Biomechanical tattoos draw their inspiration from the illustrator H. R. Geiger, the designer of the creature from the Alien movies. These designs are extremely powerful and emotional and serve as a great ‘attention grabber’.

biomechanical tattoo ideas brown vertebrae

biomechanical tattoo ideas chrome pistons

biomechanical tattoo ideas claws and orifice

biomechanical tattoo ideas copper gears and screws

Amazing Tattoo Designs!

biomechanical tattoo ideas flesh tubes and wires

biomechanical tattoo ideas gears and levers

biomechanical tattoo ideas golden gears and tubes

biomechanical tattoo ideas silver gears and pistons

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a higher res picture of that bottom left tat (bio-mechanical-tattoo-ideas-golden-gears-tubes) ??

